2425 S. Crysler Avenue, Suite #5
Independence, MO 64052
Certified CPR First Aid Instructor

The First Aid Station and other training partners are intending to start a EMT-B classes in early 2018. We are looking for Paramedics who have solid presentation skills to conduct some of the classes. The curriculum will be a blended learning format combining both on line and in class experiences. Most of the class time is anticipated to be evenings but there may be some day time teaching opportunities. Pay will be above the market hourly rate for a Paramedic.
Some Instructional Staff Guidelines:
Those professionals we will hire for the teaching team will have above average presentation and speaking skills.
Physical appearance will reflect and enhance that instructor’s credibility and set a professional example to strive for.
Teaching staff will wear business casual in the class room or a utility uniform. Windy war stores and Profanity not allowed from staff during class time. Professional Conversation, clothing and language will be encouraged from the students by teaching staff.
If a student is utilized for a class demonstration the student will be the same gender as the Instructor.
Zero tolerance for language, including humor or conversational tone, that may be construed as sexual harassment.
In summary- No Bubba’s.
Please submit a resume via email. Preferred, is attaching a short video ( 3-5 minutes in length) showing applicant teaching a class of any type (Sunday School class, How to bait a fish hook, 1st Aid/CPR class, Cooking class, ect). The purpose is to evaluate the applicant’s speaking and presentation skills. The applicant can simply film themselves teaching something using their camera phone.